SECR and other reporting requirements
Mandatory Reporting and Benchmarking.
Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) - these new mandatory reporting guidelines were brought in from April 2019. Let Collins McHugh provide the carbon calculations and reporting narrative required to meet all legislative requirements.
Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) working on a four year cycle, companies require an external lead assessor to submit this mandatory reporting requirement. Collins McHugh has the lead assessors to make this task easier and more productive through the energy reviews we undertake.
Benchmarking and Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) ratings - Collins McHugh are experts in the numerous benchmarks which companies voluntarily undertake such as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Dow Jones Sustainability Index and in improving company's ESG ratings, which the investment community increasingly rely on for making ethical investments.
For more information email: info@collinsmchugh.co.uk