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About Collins McHugh


Well targeted, business focused corporate social responsibility still remains one of the most under-utilised business tools for reducing a company’s costs, building partnerships with customers and suppliers, engaging with your employees and responsibly managing your environmental and social impacts.

Collins McHugh can help you change that situation quickly and cost effectively. We have been quietly building a reputation for creating excellence in corporate social responsibility since 2005. A number of our clients have gone on to win major awards for their corporate social responsibility activity across a range of disciplines including responsible marketing, diversity, integrating corporate social responsibility, community engagement and environmental management.

We are passionate about what we do and we look to bring that passion to your organisation, or simply help to focus and direct the passion that already exists.

However, we realise that the only truly sustainable corporate social responsibility is that which brings business benefits and at each step of the way this will remain our focus. Collins McHugh specialise in working with companies to devise (or review) corporate social responsibility strategies and integrate them into your business, directly linked to your business targets, corporate vision and brand values.

If you would like to benchmark your current performance on corporate social responsibility and draw up a gap analysis, or if you would like to target one area of performance that your customers or investors are showing interest in, the environment or community impact perhaps? We’d love to hear from you so get in touch,  it may be the first step to a productive partnership.

What good CSR looks like

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